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The Many Benefits Of Invisalign Braces

A woman using invisible bracesThere is more than one way to straighten teeth. In the past, an orthodontist measured the mouth and straightened the teeth with metal braces that required frequent and often painful adjustments.

Considered a rite of youth, braces were a reality for many teenagers who wanted to have straight and beautiful teeth. All of that changed with the invention of Invisalign.

Invisalign Is Perfect For Uncomplicated Tooth Movements

The technology makes use of clear trays that are generated by a computer. Each tray is worn for a period of two weeks and then replaced with a change-out. Each tray is engineered to prevent teeth from shifting back into position and accomplish the purpose as quickly as possible.

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Top 3 Reasons Dental Implants Can Help You

smiling couple with dental implantsDo you currently have a couple teeth that make your smile less than desirable? Perhaps they are chipped or cracked, or discolored in some way. It is possible that the roots of your teeth may be deteriorating, presenting the possibility that they might fall out at some point.

If this occurs, you will need to have these teeth replaced. One of the best ways to improve your overall smile, and take care of damage or decaying teeth, is to get dental implants. Here are three reasons why dental implants can help you have the beautiful smile you have always wanted.

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