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How Diet Can Affect Your Dental Health

how-diet-can-affect-your-dental-healthDid you know that the foods you choose to eat and the diet you follow not only affects your overall general health, it can also affect your oral health as well. Eating a poor diet that is high in carbohydrates, sugars, and starches can actually lead to gum disease and even tooth decay.

All of the plaque and acids from these foods can settle on and between your teeth and over time the acids will begin to break down the enamel of your teeth and eventually form cavities.


Foods That Are Good


When it comes to maintaining positive oral health, it is important that you eliminate or at least cut down on the amount of sugary drinks and other less than nutritious food and drink in your diet to improve the health of your mouth.

Cheese is a food that a lot of people already love so it will please you to know that eating cheese may actually help to raise the pH levels in your mouth which can, in turn, lower your risk of tooth decay. Cheese also contains copious amounts of calcium and protein, and all of these things will work to strengthen your tooth enamel.

Leafy greens such as kale and spinach are also great for oral health because they too are high in calcium content. In addition, they also contain folic acid that helps treat gum disease.


Foods That Can Damage Oral Health


We have all been told from a young age that consuming too many candies and sugary treats will make our teeth fall out and in reality, it is not that far from the truth. Excess amounts of sugar exposure can be harmful and can even trigger dental emergencies such as broken teeth and chipped teeth.

The same dangers apply to ice and to people who chew their ice. Chewing on any kind of hard surface can pose a risk to your dental health. Citrus intake should also be monitored because anything high in citric acid can irritate mouth sores and erode enamel which can lead to tooth decay.


Moving Forward


Moving forward, be mindful of what you are consuming and take with you the knowledge that some foods and drinks may do more harm than good, so it is important to limit the amount of sugar and other damaging substances. If you choose to indulge, be sure you are brushing and flossing daily and don’t forget to make your appointments for dental cleanings twice a year.

The content offered on this website is for informational purposes only and does not seek to diagnose and/or treat any physical, medical, dental, and/or periodontal condition or disease. In addition, the offering and consumption of this content does not establish a doctor patient relationship. If you are experiencing any pain, discomfort, swelling, and/or bleeding in your mouth and/or jaw this may represent a serious condition and can only be diagnosed and treated by visiting a medical doctor, dentist, and/or periodontist in person.

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