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The Advantages Of Invisalign Clear Braces Over Traditional Braces

The Advantages Of Invisalign Clear Braces Over Traditional BracesEven though, you may already have a regular family dentist and practice good oral hygiene, you may still have certain dental issues that you are not happy with such as crooked, over-crowded, or spaced out teeth. What you may not be aware of is the fact that these problems can eventually lead to different health problems. Not to mention the fact that having these types of teeth problems adversely affects your self-esteem and makes you reluctant to smile. However, there is hope and it’s called Invisalign clear braces.

Fortunately, Stony Brook Family Dentistry has Long Island Invisalign dentists on staff that can help restore your smile by correcting these issues. You may be asking yourself “Why should I choose Invisalign clear braces over the more traditional types?” Here are a few things to consider which may help provide the answer:

  • Unlike traditional braces manufactured out of metal, Invisalign braces are removable, clear aligner trays made from plastic. Since no two patients are alike, Invisalign clear braces are easily customized to fit any individual regardless of the tooth issues they are afflicted with.
  • The process of straightening your teeth with traditional metal braces is far more complex and tedious as it involves numerous visits to the dentist for adjusting and tightening them. With Invisalign clear braces, you wear a customized aligner for two weeks and then replace it with the next one in the process. Each ensuing aligner will move your teeth closer together as you progress through the different stages.
  • Compared to traditional braces, Invisalign clear braces are more flexible because you can remove them to brush your teeth, drink and eat, or floss. Aligner trays are comfortable, smooth to the touch, and virtually invisible when in use. Nobody will even notice that you are actually wearing braces and you will never be embarrassed because people will not tease you and call you “metal mouth.”

Although straightening your teeth with Invisalign clear braces will cost about as much as what you would pay for metal braces and will involve the same length of time to complete the process, the benefits of using them far outweighs that of traditional braces. If you have been looking for a more comfortable, flexible way to straighten your teeth, you should consider getting Invisalign clear braces. We offer Invisalign clear braces along with a wide range of other dental services. For more information, contact Stony Brook Family Dentistry today and schedule and appointment.

The content offered on this website is for informational purposes only and does not seek to diagnose and/or treat any physical, medical, dental, and/or periodontal condition or disease. In addition, the offering and consumption of this content does not establish a doctor patient relationship. If you are experiencing any pain, discomfort, swelling, and/or bleeding in your mouth and/or jaw this may represent a serious condition and can only be diagnosed and treated by visiting a medical doctor, dentist, and/or periodontist in person.

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