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The Ins And Outs Of How A Body Rejects Dental Implants

The Ins And Outs Of How A Body Rejects Dental ImplantsHearing about an unsuccessful dental implants procedure is not a typical occurrence. With modern technology, techniques, excellent craftsmanship, and a thorough screening process these instances are usually avoidable. However, the undesirable outcome is a possibility that patients should be prepared to deal with, even if it is a just in case scenario. Dental implants are the method of choice for dentists and patients alike for replacing missing teeth. The titanium post becomes screwed into the bone, which fuses together further along in the healing process. An abutment attaches to the piece and the crown anchors to it for a natural feeling tooth that stays securely in place.

The answers that you and the dentist seek are not always easy to find, nor are they cut-and-dry. There are a variety of reasons that the body rejects dental implants, but pinpointing the exact one is not always possible. Through the years, dental professionals have come up with various theories over how rejections occur, but regardless of why they happen, the procedure must become performed again to correct the issue.

Is Improper Osseointegration To Blame?

A dental implants procedure is reliant on the process of osseointegration to be successful. On occasion, scar tissue forms around the implant, instead of bone, which leaves the post loose and insecure. The action can lead to the chipping or breaking of natural teeth in the mouth, lacerations on the cheeks, gums, or tongue, and even the implant falling out. One reason this can happen is due to bacteria being present at the time of installation. In an attempt to rid the body of the foreign contaminant, white blood cells may inadvertently attack the implant, as well as the bacteria, resulting in the implant failure.

Could A Lifestyle Choice Be Behind The Rejection?

Assessments are completed by the dentist to ensure that the patient is a candidate for dental implants. Extensive alcohol or nicotine consumption typically eliminates people from contention. However, if a party partakes in these activities after treatment anyway, it can result in a failure by not allowing the mouth to heal correctly. Particular lifestyle choices must be eliminated from one’s life when they choose to utilize a dental implant to fix a missing tooth.

Are You Allergic To Titanium?

Most dental implants are made of titanium, which not many people are allergic to, but if you are one of the unfortunate few, ask the dentist if they can install a zirconia implant instead. It is a ceramic material that is non-corrosive, durable, and also an effective option to use in replacing a tooth. Typical symptoms that may present themselves from an allergic reaction to titanium are fatigue and skin rash. Therefore, while not always a common occurrence, an allergic reaction could be the offender behind the rejection.

The content offered on this website is for informational purposes only and does not seek to diagnose and/or treat any physical, medical, dental, and/or periodontal condition or disease. In addition, the offering and consumption of this content does not establish a doctor patient relationship. If you are experiencing any pain, discomfort, swelling, and/or bleeding in your mouth and/or jaw this may represent a serious condition and can only be diagnosed and treated by visiting a medical doctor, dentist, and/or periodontist in person.

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