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Space Age Dentistry?

Space Age Dentistry?The history of dental work is somewhat unrefined, with many early practices that led to the undue fears which some people hold in modern times. This aspect is coupled with the fact that tooth nerves are highly sensitive, and even when they are just exposed to the outside air, they will trigger a pain response. Of course, current practices in dentistry have improved, and fears that people have of getting their teeth fixed or cleaned are quite unfounded.

Much of this is a combination of advances in medical knowledge, but it also includes the use of anesthetics and sedation. During the twentieth century, visiting the dentist to have a filling repaired or a cavity drilled could still elicit a sensation for the patient, but not one of pain. However, even this sense of pressure can cause the mind to impose a fear of pain within the cognitive process, and many patients will still become nervous in just knowing that a work needs to be done.

Relaxing Into The Process

At Stony Brook Family Dentistry, we have a number of ways to help our patients not only feel more relaxed about their dental visits, but also to help them overcome any future fears about appointments. One big way that we offer help is through the use of sedation dentistry. This practice has gained much popularity over the past few decades, and can even help to put patients at ease before they even step through the door.

With sedation dentistry, different levels of medication are employed to either simply reduce anxiety, or completely bock mental awareness of the dental process. Most of our clients find that even light sedation is enough to ease any concerns. For some procedures, complete sedation can be a necessity, but patients also find that this not only reduces the perception of pain, but also the sense of anticipation about a procedure.

No Pain, All Gain

However, some of our patients also find that further advances in dentistry are highly beneficial. This is often the case with our clients who are quite young or are physically unsuited to different types of medication. Chemical allergies can be quite common, and even basic numbing agents like Novocain can provoke sensitivities. In these cases, laser dentistry offers an ideal solution that is pain free and effective.

With the use of laser dentistry in our Long Island practice, there is no cutting or drilling. For cavity repair, the diode bean can excavate the decay from the tooth without putting pressure on the nerve endings. This process also cauterizes the nerve endings to eliminate sensation as the process is being completed. The result is a perfect filling without the need for drills or needles.

If you are concerned about upcoming dental work and think that laser dentistry could be a good fit, please feel free to give us a call. We can evaluate your needs and help to get you matched up with the right procedures to meet both your physical and emotional requirements. You might just be surprised to find out that modern dentistry has become so advanced, that you start to look forward to all of your appointments.

The content offered on this website is for informational purposes only and does not seek to diagnose and/or treat any physical, medical, dental, and/or periodontal condition or disease. In addition, the offering and consumption of this content does not establish a doctor patient relationship. If you are experiencing any pain, discomfort, swelling, and/or bleeding in your mouth and/or jaw this may represent a serious condition and can only be diagnosed and treated by visiting a medical doctor, dentist, and/or periodontist in person.

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